Type in ĐevaNāgarī (Hinđī) and search

देवनागरी (हिन्दी) में टाईप करें और नेट पर ढूँढेँ

Click on [चुने] and then click [मिटाएँ], to clear the above text box.

The 'hal' key with red background will make half-forms of 'Nāgarī' consonants.
So to type 'प्य' first type 'प' then type '्' (hal) and then 'य'.

You may want to learn more on 'Typing Nāgarī Character Sequences'.

SuNāgarī Keyboard Layout with the regular as well as shifted keys is shown above. You can install SuNāgarī for your computer's keyboard also.

Copy of this page with a simple keyboard for mobiles: m.hindi.co/keyboard.

Click on [चुने] to select all the text you typed and then use keyboard shortcuts (like Ctrl+C) or pointer to copy it.

You can think of this page as an on-screen keyboard for Devanagari for searching the net.

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Updated: Oct 23

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