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What is a Computer?

  • Computers are not intelligent.
  • A computer merely follows the instructions given to it.
  • For a task to be performed by a computer, an individual or group of people writes a 'series of instructions'.
  • A logical ‘series of instructions’ is called a program or a procedure.
  • People who write programs are called programmers / coders.
  • When a user wants his/her computer to perform a task, s/he must run (start, execute, set) a program written for that task.
  • New forms of computer programs have been developed and are being refined every now and then, which can 'learn' based on the data given to them!
  • These new programs are ushering in a new era of 'Artificial Intelligence.'

Even a very rudimentary computer should be able to perform:

  • Basic arithmetical operations (+, -, *, /)
  • Relational operations (<, >, =, etc.)
  • Boolean / logical operations (AND, OR, NOT)

It should also be able to store and retrieve data / information. However, along with the development of computers, many capabilities (like multimedia, communication, etc.) have been added.

Difference between a Computer and a Calculator

A typical computer can follow different programs to perform various tasks (sometimes without user interventions), while a calculator can't. Calculators are designed to (help us) perform one mathematical operation at a time.

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Updated: Jan 24

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