Hinđī: हिन्दी

A Popular Language

Hindi is raaj-bhaaShaa

Hinđī is a major language spoken mainly in India. It is probably the third most spoken language after Mandarin (Chinese) and English worldwide! >>

Hinđī is a Popular Language

Chinese Mandarin has more native speakers than English. But English is the de-facto international language.

If we include the number of people who speak languages very similar to Hinđī (like Urđū), the total (650+ million) will be more than the number of native English speakers. Hinđī is the third most spoken language followed closely by Spanish.

It's Just A Language  >>

Hinđī is Just a Language

- the word 'Hinđī' (हिन्दी, hindee) represents a language;
- while the word 'Hinđū' (हिन्दू, hindoo) refers to a religion.

The words 'Hinđī' & 'Hinđū' are very loosely related! >>

Sanskṛiŧ (संस्कृत) is the language more closely related with Hinđūism.

In Hinđī, the word Hinđū (हिन्दू) means the name of the religion as well as things related-to (and followers-of) the religion.

In English, the word 'Hinđūism' means the 'Hinđū' religion; while the word Hinđū refers to the followers of Hinđūism and all the things related to it.

Nāgarī is the Script of Hinđī  >>

Nāgarī : The Script of Hinđī

'ĐevaNāgarī' or just 'Nāgarī' is the name of the script (लिपि) that is used to write 'Hinđī', 'Marāthī', 'Sanskṛiŧ', 'Nepālī' and all the dialects of Hinđī. 'Nāgarī' as used in 'Hinđī' is the easiest script that can represent most of the regular pronunciations.

Hinđī and Bhāraŧ

Hinđī is the/an official-language (rāj-bhāṣhā) of Bhāraŧ (India). हिन्दी भारत की राजभाषा है।

Why every Indian should try to learn basic Hinđī at least for a month or so?

True patriots like 'Subhāsh-chanđra Bose' and fearless saints like 'Đayānanđ Sarasvaŧī' advocated the use of Hinđī for national integration.

Lots of influencial Indians secretely dislike Hinđī lovers/speakers! They don't even like the role of Hinđī as the link language in India!

Anti-Hinđū Activists, White-collar Jihadis, Non-violent Crusaders (missionaries), Communists (Maoists) work together to divide India on various issues like language, caste, religion, socio-economic status, and what not.

Who speak Hinđī? हिन्दी भाषी।

Where Hinđī is spoken? हिन्दी कहाँ बोली जाती है?

Hinđī and Urđū are similar. हिन्दी और उर्दू समान हैं।

Tirade against India. भारत विरोधी गतिविधियाँ।

Why this page is in English? यह पृष्ठ अंग्रेजी में क्यों है?

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List of Hinđī Songs = हिंदी गाने की वर्गीकृत सूची.
Hindi Numbers = संख्याएँ.
Re-Learn Hindi varnamala = वर्णमाला - क, ख, ग...
hindi.co/hcfor Hanumān Chālīsā = हनुमान चालिसा.
hindi.co/gmGāyaŧrī Manŧra = गायत्री मंत्र.
hindi.co/omOm Symbol/Sign = ॐ चिह्न.
Fighting Cold = सर्दी-जुकाम / शीत से लड़ने के लिए ...
Nutrients for Vegetarians = शाकाहारियों के लिए पोषण तत्व
Supplements for Mental Health = मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए पूरक
hindi.co/baalHinđī Rhymes = हिंदी बाल गीत
hindi.co/coronaCorona = कोरोना
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Updated: Oct 23

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